Saturday, April 21, 2012

Some songs...

So, I was on Wattpad when I found this song. I love this song and I can't stop listening to it.

Found this one on Quizilla by taking a quiz. (No dip!)

Found this one on Wattpad as well. It's a good song!

Well, that was just me being bored and wanted to post something... XD

And for the hell of it:


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shopping for Prom.

Ok, so yesterday, I went to Cary. My mom, brother and I went there because my brother needed to get clothes for the prom (theme is Bollywood. He was happy about that (for a bit)). We ate at this Indian restaurant and I got a Dosa, and it was huge (That's what she said)! After eating there, we went shopping for my brother's clothes. He didn't want to rent a tux. We didn't find anything for him at that store, but we did get bangles and bindies for his date (?). Then we went to the other store. We picked out some things for him to try on. I looked at some bangles that were on a rack, and looked at some clothes there which I didn't like so much. Well there were these shirts that I liked, but they were big. My brother finally got something that would work. We picked out two more sets of bangles for his date (?) because the ones we got before we thought wouldn't work, but we still have them. Also, at that store, there were a lot of students at Cary High that have a prom and the theme there is traditional Indian clothing, so a bunch of people went there. We were a bit late. My mom picked out some things too. I got nothing, but I didn't want anything. By the time we left it was five o'clock. It was tiring. This is why my family doesn't go out shopping much.
We had to get the car washed after we got back from Cary because it needed to. And it was a very interesting experience. It was a while since I'd been in one of those. So when it was blow drying the car, it sounded like a rocket and my mom was like, "This was built by NASA!" or something like that. It was an interesting day. None of this would have happened if my brother wasn't asked to the prom by a senior (yes, he's going with a senior. My mom sorta flipped out about him going with a, as she called it, "older woman"). Other than that, I just stayed up in my room, going on Quizilla, Wattpad, and Quizazz. It was fun!